
Shanghai Urban Transport Carbon Emissions Assessment and Control Strategy Study

上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院副所长, 高级工程师, 硕士

上海市城乡建设和交通发展研究院政策研究室负责人, 高级工程师, 硕士

摘要: 以交通运输碳排放为研究对象,梳理了交通碳排放的测算和评估方法;基于对碳排放相关的周转量、燃料消耗及排放因子等因子分析,明确了影响交通碳排放的4大要素;结合上海交通碳排放发展现状、趋势和发展要求的分析,对上海交通碳排放进行多情景设计和量化测算,最终优选确定发展模式;最后从协调规划、优化结构、提高效率、改进技术等方面提出了低碳交通控制策略。

Abstract: Subjects in the study is transportation carbon emissions (CO2-e).Firstly, the paper summarizes the measurement and evaluation methods of transportation CO2-e, and finds out four different influencing factors of transportation CO2-e. After evaluating present situation and forecasting the developing trend, the paper suggests possible scenarios, and selects the optimized one by quantitative calculation. Finally the paper makes a conclusion that transportation co2-e should be reduced by strategies of coordinated planning, optimizing the structure, increasing efficiency, and improving the technical aspects.


Keyword: Low carbon transportation, CO2 emissions, Transportation policy , Public transport in Shanghai


文献标识码: B



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