战争遗址纪念碑的价值评价 ——以南京大屠杀遗址纪念碑为例

The Value Evaluation of the War Memorial: A Case Study of the Nanjing Massacre Victim’s Memorials

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 战争遗址纪念碑作为城市雕塑的一种,是创伤记忆的载体,聚焦和传承城市的历史文化记忆。作为战争遗址纪念碑最基本的价 值——历史价值和景观价值却未在城市的发展过程中得到应有的重视,导致诸多纪念碑沦为简单的“标志牌”。以南京大屠杀 遗址纪念碑作为典例,对其从历史价值与景观价值结合的视角构建战争遗址纪念碑评价体系的雷达模型,基于雷达模型的评价 结果,将其划分为3个类别,并针对各类别的不同特性及现状问题,从空间标志性的增强、空间参与度的提高、空间融合度的加深 等方面提出保护彰显建议,通过不同价值结合的视角对战争遗址纪念碑的价值彰显进行探索,以期营造独特的城市文化景观。

Abstract: As a kind of city sculpture, the memorial of war is the carrier of the trauma memory, inheriting the history and culture of the city. However, many of them became normal indicators because of the less attention paid to their historical value and landscape value, which are supposed to be the most basic values of memorials. The Nanjing Massacre Victim’s Memorials are taken as a typical example in this paper. It has been formed the value evaluation system from the perspective of historical and landscape value, and all these memorials are divided into three categories based on their own radar model. In terms of existing problems, this paper gives out improvement suggestions, trying to explore and highlight the value of the war memorials combining different value perspectives, in order to construct unique city landscape.


Keyword: War memorial,Landscape value,Historical value,Evaluation,Nanjing Massacre Memorial


文献标识码: A

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