苏南小城镇外来农民工的城镇化意愿及其对策研究 ——基于常州市礼嘉镇的调查分析

Research on Migrant Workers’ Urbanization Willingness in Small Towns of Southern Jiangsu: Based on the Investigation and Analysis of Lijia Town

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 多年来,外来农民工已经成为苏南小城镇地区产业发展的主要劳动力。尽管拥有较好的城镇化基础和宽松的落户政策,但是农 民工的城镇化意愿并不强。以常州市礼嘉镇为例,从就业和定居意愿两方面探究农民工的城镇化问题,调研发现稀缺的住房供 给、低包容的女性就业环境、外来化和趋低化的消费结构、单一的人际网络关系、公共服务缺位等因素均对农民工的定居意愿构 成了负面影响。基于调研结论,提出苏南小城镇应在尊重农民工不同居留意愿的基础上,从产业结构、住房供给体系、公共政策、 城镇消费生活等方面采取必要措施,以推进农民工在城镇定居、进而留住人口红利并实现健康城镇化。

Abstract: Migrant workers have become the main labor force in small towns of Southern Jiangsu. In spite of the better urbanization base and relatively loose hukou policy, the urbanization willingness is still not clear. By using SPSS, this paper takes Lijia town of Changzhou city as an example, finding out that, the poor living conditions led by scarce housing market, the strict female employment environment, the adventitious commercial structure, and the insufficient supply of public services together lead to lower willingness to settle. Combining with the conclusion, this paper proposes that southern Jiangsu should take measures in labor preference, the housing supply system, public policy and the urban consumption, to strengthen attractiveness of towns to actively retain demographic dividend and implement the peasant-workers’ health urbanization.


Keyword: Small towns of Southern Jiangsu,Migrant workers,Urbanization willingness,Influence factors,Strategies


文献标识码: A

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