
Location Decision Making Model of NIMBY Facility Based on Game Theory

陈 晨
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

摘要: 针对矛盾比较突出的邻避设施选址问题,借鉴博弈论的思想提出了选址博弈决策的理想模型,指出了达成共识方案的必要条 件。进一步地,将选址博弈模型在空间上进行了拓展,将模型中的策略与收益进行了空间与数值量化,并提出了一般的求解函 数。另外,针对各方博弈中可能出现的单方利益优先的情况,对函数进行了拓展,提出了考虑单方优先的求解函数。选取江苏省 泰州市的生活垃圾焚烧发电厂进行案例实证研究,比较初始和实施选址方案。研究发现,实施方案确实比初始方案更能够满足 居民方与建设方的利益,证明了调整后的实施方案更加优化。

Abstract: This paper proposes an ideal model of NIMBY facility’s location decision making based on the ideas from Game Theory. The necessary conditions for consensus scheme are pointed in this paper. Furthermore, the general solution function is proposed by valuing the strategy and benefits into numerical and spatial attributes. Then, the function is extended in order to consider possible unilateral priority in the game. A case of life garbage incineration power plant in Taizhou of Jiangsu province has been used as empirical study by comparing the initial location plan and implementation plan based on the calculation results of the function. The analysis result shows that the implementation plan is better because the implementation one can provide more interests to both residents and builders.


Keyword: NIMBY facility,Game Theory,Location decision,Public participation,Spatial benefits


文献标识码: A

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