以国际大都市为鉴构建基于轨道交通体系的上海大 都市圈*

Building Shanghai Metropolitan Area Based on the Rail Transit System by Drawing on the Experience of International Metropolises

汪 海
江苏省社会科学院经济研究所 研究员

摘要: 大都市圈是城市化向高级阶段发展后出现的城市空间形态,发达国家大部分城市人口已集聚在大都市圈。中国正在展开世界上 规模空前的城市化进程,已出现人口向大都市圈集聚趋势。上海是中国首位大都市,未来有可能面临人口持续增长压力。东京等 国际大都市能容纳数千万人并保持城市高效营运,关键在构建以现代化轨道交通走廊辐射周边城市的多中心大都市圈。上海需 借鉴国际大都市经验,尽早跨出过度拥挤的中心城,建设辐射郊区新城及苏州、嘉兴等邻近城市的发达通勤铁路网,构建基于现 代化轨道交通体系的多中心、同城化大都市圈。

Abstract: A process of urbanization is being unfolded in China on an unprecedented scale worldwide. As the Primate City in China, Shanghai is likely to encounter pressure by continuous population growth. Shanghai needs to actively draw on the experience of such international metropolises, evacuate part of its population, industries and traffic from its crowded central urban area, build a developed commuter rail network that stretches from its central urban area to new towns in its suburb and other cities adjacent to it, and build a multi-center and integrated Shanghai Metropolitan Area.


Keyword: International metropolises,Rail transit system,Shanghai Metropolitan Area


文献标识码: A


国家社会科学基金项目 “大都市带建设与中国经济发展的空间非均衡战略研究” 13BJL097

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