
Problems on Public Participation of Architecture Heritage Conservation in China

丁 枫
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

摘要: 通过对扬州双东社区和浙江兰溪诸葛村这两个城与乡不同案例的分析,试图了解在我国现有社会文化背景下,城乡建筑 遗产保护公众参与的可能性和存在的问题,特别是案例中反映出由于社会组织方式、历史文化不同所造成的的城乡差别 对公众参与的影响应该引起研究者和管理者的注意;同时,试图通过比较异同来找出一些促进遗产保护公众参与的关键 问题和方法。对遗产保护公众参与的理解,不仅仅建立在对具体案例细节的关注和思考上,更需要在大的社会历史背景中 谈论遗产保护公众参与的渊源和意义。

Abstract: By studying on Yangzhou Shuangdong community and Zhejiang Lanxi Zhuge village, this paper tries to understand, within the existing social culture background in China, what are the possibilities and existing problems when we talk about public participation of conserving urban and rural built heritage, especially the apparently differences between city and countryside in terms of the social organization, historical and culture background. Also, this paper tries to find the ways to promote public participation in heritage conservation through comparing similarities and differences, hoping that our understanding of public participation in heritage protection, not only based on attention to details and consideration of specific cases, but, in larger social and historical background, the origin and significance of public participation in heritage conservation.


Keyword: Urban and rural architecture,Heritage protection,Public participation


文献标识码: A

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