澳门近年特色建筑保护争议的解释 ——基于博弈论的方法

Interpretation of the Dispute on Distinctive Architecture Protection in Recent Years in Macao: Based on Game Theory

澳门文化局文化遗产厅 职务主管,高级技术员 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

摘要: 由于近年城市的急速发展,澳门现正面临城市面貌的快速变化,当中涉及城市特色建筑保护的社会议题相继出现。在多元 角力下,一些议题发酵成争议,对于特色建筑的保护或处理的讨论,产生负面的影响,并造成潜在的社会矛盾,而作为居中 角色的政府,应明晰或推演其在当中采取不同决策的效果。通过尝试用博弈论的方法,对有关的争议进行解释,以在多元 需求并存的现实社会环境下,探索兼顾较全面、综合及平衡的解决上述争议问题的决策路径。

Abstract: Due to the rapid development of cities in recent years, Macao is now facing rapid changes in urban landscape, which involves the one after another social themes of protection of urban distinctive architecture. In a multidimensional context, some themes become disputes, the discussion of the protection or treatment of distinctive architecture has a negative impact, and it creates potential social contradictions. As an intermediary role, government should clarify or deduce the effects of different decisions. This paper attempts to use game theory to explain the relevant disputes, to explore the comprehensive and balanced decision-making path to resolve the above-mentioned disputes in the realistic social environment in which multiple needs co-exist.


Keyword: Distinctive architecture,Game theory,Macao


文献标识码: A

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