
Overview of Micro-Renewal Practices in Historic Districts of Beijing

北京市城市规划设计研究院 城市设计所所长,教授级高级工程师,博士

摘要: 通过对3个案例的概要介绍,展示了北京历史街区微更新实践的历程。3个案例因街区特点的不同,各自的目标导向与工作 模式均有不同。其中,大栅栏街区侧重整体业态品质的提升,东四南街区侧重街巷与院落公共空间环境的改善,白塔寺街 区则汲取了经验,两者并重。随着时间推移,3个街区的成效获得认可,微更新的理念亦从个体实践到被广泛接受。而基层 政府、技术部门、实施主体三方的紧密合作,以及属地居民的理解与支持是成功的关键。

Abstract: This article exhibits the process of Micro-Renewal practices in Beijing’s historic districts, via description of three case studies. The objective and working mode of each case is distinct with each other because of the varied characteristics of districts. While the Dashilan district focuses on improvement of overall business environment and quality, Dongsinan district addresses higher priority to upgrading the public spaces of streets and courtyards. The remaining Baitasi district then takes a hybrid strategy by learning from both preceding cases and paying equal attention to business and public space development. It is the fact that the achievements of the three districts have been publicly acknowledged, and Micro-Renewal idea has also evolved from individual experiments to a widely accepted paradigm. It is also argued in this article that the keys to success of Micro-Renewal include two vital aspects: close cooperation among local government, technical departments and implementation entities; and understandings and supports from local residents.


Keyword: Micro-renewal,Quality of businesses,Public environment,Public participation, Dashilan, Dongsinan,Baitasi


文献标识码: A

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