规划管理视角下天津历史文化街区保护规划 实施评价

The Planning-Implementation Evaluation of Conservation Planning in Tianjin Historic and Cultural District in the View of City Planning Management

天津大学建筑学院 副教授

摘要: 梳理天津历史文化街区的形成及特色价值,回顾天津历史文化街区保护管理从一般性管理逐步走向特色化、规范化、精细 化管理的历程。在城市快速发展时期,天津以挖掘并强化城市历史文化风貌特色为目标,在保护更新实践过程中进行积极 探索,总结其在规划编制理念与技术方法、管理机制与制度建立、项目实施与操作指导等方面的经验与模式,并从规划管 理的视角对保护规划实施管理体系与机制的特点、问题、制约进行检讨与评价,提出进一步改革,进行优化调整的方向与 思考。

Abstract: The article summarizes the formation and characteristic value of Tianjin historic and cultural district, and reviews its management progress from general management to more characteristic, standard, and precise management. During the rapid urban construction period in our country, Tianjin aims to excavate and emphasize the historic and cultural appearance features, actively exploring the protective and renewal practice. This paper summarizes the experience and mode from its planning conception and technical method, management mechanism and system, project implementation and operation instruction, while assessing the characteristics, problems, and constraints of implementing management system in the protective plan. In the end, thinking on further revolution and optimization is offered for next steps.


Keyword: Historic district,Planning management,Planning-implementation evaluation


文献标识码: A

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