从“历史风貌保护”到“城市遗产保护”* ——论上海历史文化名城保护

From Historic Townscape Conservation to Urban Heritage Conservation: Discussion on Conservation of National Historic City of Shanghai

邵 甬
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 上海的“历史风貌保护”制度从20世纪90年代开始建立并在2000年以后逐步完善,在旧城改造阶段起到了非常重要的作用,保护了上海大量宝贵的历史文化遗产,在中国具有创新性和重要的借鉴意义。在当今“存量规划”和“城市更新”的背景下,上海的历史文化名城保护需要从“历史风貌保护”向“城市遗产保护”转变,从城市发展战略高度上综合考虑城市遗产的整体保护框架,采用“历史性城镇景观”的方法对上海历史文化名城价值和特色进行全面评估,制定可实施操作的积极的历史文化名城保护规划,将国际现代大都市的建设与地方独特文化的保持与彰显有机结合起来。

Abstract: The institution of Historic Townscape Conservation in Shanghai was firstly established in 1990s and was improved gradually in 2000s, which had provided great contributions during this period of urban renewal. At the present context of urban renovation and the inventory planning in Shanghai, it is necessary to transform the conservation approach from Urban Townscape Conservation towards Urban Heritage Conservation for the National Historic City of Shanghai. The transformation requires to define the holistic framework for the integrated conservation of urban heritage at the strategic level, adopt the methodology of Historic Urban Landscape for the overall evaluation of the values and characteristics, make an implemental and active conservation plan, and organically unify the development of international metropolis with the maintenance and representation of the local and unique culture of Shanghai.


Keyword: Historic townscape,Urban heritage,Historic city,Conservation,Shanghai


文献标识码: A


国家社科基金重大项目 “我国城镇化进程中记忆场所的保护与活化创新研究”阶段性成果 14ZDB139

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