
Industry, Pattern and Space: Exploring the Planning of New Marine Industrial Park

中国城市规划设计研究院上海分院 三所所长,城市规划师,硕士

摘要: 在新一轮海洋经济蓬勃发展的背景下,许多滨海城市努力用科技创新打造升级版的海洋产业。不同于传统的产业园区规 划,新型海洋产业园区特定的产业特征、发展阶段与区位特征,决定了其规划编制的技术路径具有独特性。结合石狮市海 洋产业园的规划实践,从产业、模式与空间3方面入手,提出基于海洋产业特征的产业发展策略与功能选择、基于产业内在 属性的产城业态比例与组织、基于滨海区位属性的宜居空间选址与防风设计3大编制要点,以期为其他海洋产业园区的规 划建设工作提供参考。

Abstract: In the context of a new round of marine economy booming, many coastal cities strive to create an upgraded version of the marine industry with scientific and technological innovation. Unlike the planning of traditional industrial park, industry characteristics, stage of development and regional characteristics of the new marine industrial park determine the unique of its planning methods. Combining the planning practices of marine industrial park in Shishi, this article conducts research from three aspects, namely industry, pattern and space. To provide a reference for the planning of other marine industrial park, it presents the development of strategies and function selection based on the characteristics of the marine industry, the organization and proportion of industrial function and urban function based on the intrinsic property of industry, livable space siting and design of windbreak based on coastal location.


Keyword: Industry,Pattern,Space,Marine economy,Industrial park


文献标识码: A

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