
Recreation Demand Preference Research of Citizens in Shanghai

上海市城市规划建筑设计工程有限公司 助理景观师,硕士

摘要: 在城市转型的大背景下,2015年底召开的中央城市工作会议中强调,城市未来发展将越来越关注宜居性。塑造良好的游憩 环境、提升公共空间品质、服务都市居民将会成为评价城市宜居性的重要因素。上海现行的城市规划体系中缺乏游憩系统 相关评估及标准,因而针对上海市民游憩需求评估显得尤为重要。通过《2015加州综合户外游憩规划》案例分析,总结针 对市民游憩需求的评估方法和服务标准。为了客观评估上海市民游憩现状情况,通过引入公众参与环节,发布网上问卷、 现场调研与访谈等形式,针对游憩需求与偏好进行抽样调查。通过数据的分类统计、交叉分析,旨在总结不同年龄结构、居 住于不同区(县)的上海市民对游憩空间的距离偏好、类型偏好,为未来上海制定游憩专项规划作基础数据支撑。

Abstract: Under the background of transformation in the city, central government urban work conference held at the end of 2015 stressed that the future urban development would pay more and more attention to the livability. How to create a good recreational environment, how to enhance public space quality to serve metropolitan residents will become significant factors to evaluate the livability of a city. Shanghai's current urban planning system is lack of evaluation and standard of recreation system. Therefore, it is very important to evaluate the public’ s recreation demand in Shanghai. Taking ‘2015 California Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Planning’ as a case study, the assessment methods and service standards for citizens’ recreation demand are summarized. To objectively evaluate Shanghai citizens' recreational situation, through the introduction of public participation process, online questionnaires were released while interviews and sampling survey for Shanghai public recreational needs and preferences were conducted. By means of data statistical classification and cross analysis, it aims to summarize Shanghai citizens’ recreation space distance preference and space type preference at different ages in various districts or counties, as basic data supports for Shanghai to develop recreation special planning in the near future.


Keyword: Urban recreation,Activity frequency,Demand preference


文献标识码: 文献标识码A

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