存量规划背景下中心区地下空间开发利用类型研究 ——以上海市轨道交通南京西路站地区为例

Underground Space Development Mode in Downtown Area in the Context of Inventory Plan: A Case Study of West Nanjing Road Metro Station Area in Shanghai

王 荻
上海济光学院 建筑系 城市规划专业主任,副教授

摘要: 存量规划背景下,地下空间的有效利用将是上海未来发展的重要出路。由于长期缺乏开发管理主体、产权不明晰,上海中心区地下空间无序开发情况严重。以轨交南京西路站地区为例,按照存量规划约束增量、提高效率的原则,结合开发路径,探讨中心区地下空间开发衔接的可能性,将地下开发目标分别落实在道路地下与地块地下。道路开发分为人行入地和车行入地两种模式实现连通和新空间开发;地块开发在地铁站建设和道路开发的基础上,通过新建与功能优化两种方式实现有效利用。

Abstract: The effective utilization of underground space plays an important role in future construction in Shanghai in the context of inventory plan. However, underground space in downtown area has faced with unregulated development due to lack of administrative management and unclear ownership for a long time. This research is aimed to probe into the possibility of underground space link in downtown area on the principle of inventory plan with West Nanjing Road metro station area as a case, taking developing approaches into consideration, in which the development targets are spaces under roads and spaces under buildings. The spaces under roads are split into two categories of underground pedestrian path and driving lanes, to connect and develop ideal underground spaces, while spaces under buildings are effectively utilized through development of new spaces and optimization of existing spatial function.


Keyword: Inventory plan,Downtown area,Underground space,Development mode


文献标识码: 文献标识码A

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