发展权移转制度应用于文化资产保护之反思 ——台北经验个案研究

Rethinking the Transfer of Development Rights Mechanism in Cultural Heritage Asset Conservation:A Case Study of Taipei's Experience

徐伯瑞 [台湾]
徐伯瑞建筑师事务所 主持建筑师,博士

摘要: 20世纪末,台湾地区为了推动历史建筑保护,实施发展权移转制度。此制度实施迄今,可观察到对历史建筑保护帮助极大,但也衍生部分课题。故以台北的经验个案为例,经由资料汇整与分析,探讨发展权移转制度应用于历史建筑保存的成败得失,以兹借镜。研究发现,发展权移转制度于台湾地区最初系由民间非政府组织与学者专家推动,用以缓和私有文化资产物业主抗拒历史保护造成的冲突,嗣后逐渐制度化于大范围的历史街区风貌保护,近期更成为政府与开发商协商的重要工具,如可进一步调整相关配套,对文化资产保护将更有帮助。

Abstract: At the end of the last century, for the purpose of promoting cultural-heritage-asset conservation, Taiwan implemented a Transfer Development Right (TDR) mechanism. Since the implementation of the TDR system, we observed significant benefits it has for the conservation of historic architecture, as well as some resulting new challenges. This paper explores several key cases in the evolution of the use of the TDR mechanism to exemplify Taipei's experience in the implementation of a TDR system, and to discuss the success and failures of using such a system in cultural-heritage-asset conservation.The results of this study show that while the TDR mechanism was initially advocated only by non-governmental organizations and academic scholars as a means to mitigate conflicts and the resistance of cultural-heritage-asset property owners toward conservation efforts, it has since been institutionalized through its use in large-scale, historic-district-style conservation projects. In recent years, the TDR mechanism also has become an important negotiation tool in government and commercial developer joint-venture projects that involve cultural heritage assets. It is expected that the TDR can play an even larger role in cultural-heritage-asset conservation with additional adjuvant management plans.


Keyword: Transfer of development rights、Cultural heritage conservation、Urban regeneration


文献标识码: A

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