优化村社治理结构以促集体建设用地改造 ——合作社发展的国际经验

Understanding Village Governance in an International Context to Promote the Redevelopment of Collective Built-up Land

郭 炎
武汉大学城市设计学院 讲师

摘要: 活化集体建设用地,推动改造,是当下具有实践意义的话题。既有研究指出集体建设用地形成于一定的村庄治理结构,其中以土地股份合作制为典型代表。然而,土地股份合作制下的村庄土地开发行为和对改造的影响仍有待进一步研究。基于产权制度理论,结合对珠三角南海区的实证分析,剖析土地股份合作制度如何塑造村庄内部的土地权利,影响村庄(民)土地开发行为和土地开发结果,进而借鉴国际经验提出治理优化的对策。研究发现土地股份合作社的产权不清;社员具有短视心态,重索取而轻投资;合作社的土地经营方式以保障短期和稳定利益为导向;这种在土地低效扩张中形成的生存模式难以适应改造中大规模投资和较大风险的环境,阻碍着改造。进一步的政策优化在于界定社员土地权利,推动合作社从“守成”向“进取”转变。

Abstract: Accelerating the circulation of collective built-up land to promote redevelopment is now a significant practical topic in China. Existing literature points out that collective built-up land exists under certain governance structure of villages, taking land shareholding cooperatives as a typical example. However, villages’ behavior in land development under the cooperatives and its impacts over land redevelopment need further research. This paper studies how the cooperative system shapes the land rights among villagers, affects their behavior in land development and resultant outcomes, by combining the theory of property rights and empirical analysis of Nanhai case. Based on international experiences, methods to improve the governance are then provided. It has been found that land rights in the cooperative are not clear; members are short-sighted, preferring extraction of profits from cooperatives to investment to them; cooperatives’ land management aims to ensure short-term and secure revenue; this manner of land management does not suit the circumstance of redevelopment in which heavy investment and great risk are prevalent. It impedes redevelopment. Improvement in policy lies in the clarification of land rights among members and the change of cooperatives from a welfare organization to enterprises.


Keyword: Village governance,Institution of property rights,Land redevelopment,Land shareholding cooperatives


文献标识码: A

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