
Theoretical Analysis and Application of Traffic Demand Management: A Case Study of Hong Kong Cross-Harbour Tunnel

上海市浦东新区规划建筑设计有限公司 规划师,硕士

摘要: 从经济学角度分析城市交通拥堵的成因:个人驾车出行所考虑的私人边际成本小于实际社会边际成本,导致道路资源被过度使用,指出单一增加道路设施供给的不可持续性。根据出行的边际成本模型,从减少交通出行需求和提高个人驾车的私人边际成本两方面对交通需求管理的作用机制进行阐释、对交通需求管理的具体措施进行分类。分析了香港红遂拥堵的4个成因:红遂隧道费相对较低、红遂相较其他两条过海隧道区位优势显著及周边道路系统更顺畅、地铁东铁线规划使红遂承担过量的过海通勤人口,以及新界地区单一的土地利用方式造成严重的职住分离。依据成因特点,利用交通需求管理从减少交通需求和提高私人边际成本两个方面提出解决红遂问题的策略。

Abstract: From an economic point of view, the paper analyzed the causes of urban traffic congestion: private marginal cost which caused by car drivers is much less than the social marginal cost, which results in excessive use of road resources, and pointed out that only increasing the supply of road infrastructure is unsustainable. According to the marginal cost model of travel, the paper elaborated the mechanism of action of the transportation demand management from reducing transportation needs and increasing private marginal cost, and classified the specific measures of transportation demand management. The article analyzed reasons which caused the congestion of Hong Kong cross-harbour tunnel (CHT): cheaper toll of CHT, more convenient location of CHT, undertaking more cross-harbour commuters from East Rail Line as well as single land use patterns of the New Territories which caused the separation of workplace and residence. Finally, the paper proposed the strategies from reducing transportation demand and raising private marginal cost.


Keyword: Transportation demand management, Marginal cost, Traffic congestion, Hong Kong Cross-Harbour tunnel (CHT)


文献标识码: A

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