
Patterns of Metropolitan Development: What Have We Learned?

Gregory K. Ingram [美]
曾任世界银行城市发展和研究部 业务评估总干事 曾任林肯土地政策研究院总裁兼首席执行官和 国际研究部 主任 哈佛大学经济学博士

摘要: 发展中和发达国家城市以市场经济为导向的发展模式都表现出了与基本城市区位理论相一致的规律。大都市区正呈现出相似的去中心化结构:有多个副中心,分散化的制造业和日益集中化的服务业。去中心化提高了对客运和货运道路交通系统的依赖。土地市场是去中心化的一个主导因素,那些没有土地市场的城市即使很弱但与拥有土地市场功能的城市相比,发展模式存在很大差别。城市间的住房需求模式很相似,但城市住房供给模式各异,这导致了住房价格与收入间的比率变动幅度很大。公共基础设施的供给效率在城市间及城市内部不同部门间也有不一样的表现。低收入国家的大都市区仍将随这些国家的城市化而增长。

Abstract: Urban development patterns in both industrial and developing countries with market-oriented economies show strong regularities consistent with basic urban location theory. Large metropolitan areas are converging to similarly decentralised structures with multiple sub-centres, decentralised manufacturing and more centralised service employment. Decentralisation is increasing the reliance on road-based urban transport for both passengers and freight. Land markets are strong determinants of decentralisation, and the development patterns of cities without land markets differ greatly from cities with even poorly functioning land markets. Demand patterns in urban housing are similar across cities, but supply-side impediments vary widely, resulting in a wide range of the ratio of housing prices to income. The efficiency of public infrastructure provision also varies widely across cities and across sectors within cities. Large metropolitan areas in low-income countries will continue to grow as these countries urbanise.


Keyword: Global city, Industrial system, Spatial pattern, Development mode


文献标识码: A

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