
Research on Urban Accessibility Evaluation for the Cohorts

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

摘要: 随着城市规划学科的演进,人们逐渐认识到可达性不仅与城市功能布局有关,由于城市中各类群体具有不同的特征,其活动能力、社会属性均与可达性评价存在密切的联系。城市群体的活动能力不同导致所及的空间区域受到一定的限制,而群体的社会属性不同也影响其活动范围,最终导致不同群体对城市可达性评价具有显著的差异。运用离散选择模型分析城市不同群体的特征与城市可达性的关系,构建面向不同群体的可达性评价模型方法,并尝试以漯河市不同群体为例,检验该方法的适用性,及探讨由于社会角色、收入、家庭状况等特征差异对其评价城市可达性的影响。面向群体的可达性评价方法对提高空间设施规划的人性化与多元化具有积极的意义与作用。

Abstract: As to modern planning theory, accessibility is more related to decision of people who are dominant in urban activities. The capability of different people determines the preference in various space activities and the social status of people affects their choices as well. With the development of disaggregate method, discrete choice model is used to analyze the connection between characteristic of urban typical activities and urban accessibility, as the distribution is delineated as well. Using this method, the case of different cohorts in Luohe city is analyzed with several characteristics such as occupation, income and family status. The research in this essay is a way to explore new accessibility evaluation method which supports the concept of human-based planning.


Keyword: Accessibility, Cohorts, Discrete choice model


文献标识码: A

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