
The Connotation and Practical Characteristics of the Intensive Use of Construction Land under the Policy Influence in China

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

摘要: 为了更为准确地把握我国建设用地集约利用研究的重点,对我国建设用地集约利用的内涵以及实践特征进行分析和总结。通过对土地集约利用相关概念形成、演变过程的分析可以看出,我国建设用地集约利用的概念受到经济“集约增长”概念的重要影响,其内涵与经济学研究中的“集约”概念有着较大的区别,相关研究内容也存在较大差异。在目前开展的相关实践中,政策是促进建设用地集约利用的重要驱动力,利益则是影响政策实施效果的关键因素,对地方政府落实中央政策的主动性、土地使用者配合政策要求的自觉性以及市场力量参与存量土地整治等行动的积极性具有重要影响。进一步的研究中,通过利益的调节、协调与整合,促进政策的有效落实,是需要深入探讨的问题。

Abstract: This paper analyzes and summarizes the connotation and practical characteristics of the intensive use of construction land in China so as to clarify the research emphasis of it. Through analyzing the formation and evolution of the related concepts of intensive use, we can see that the connotation of intensive use of construction land in China is different from the one in western economics studies due to the impact of the concept of intensive economic growth mode. In current related practice, the policy is an important driving force to promote the intensive degree of construction land and interest is the key factor to influence the implementation effect of the policy. Interest has an important impact on the initiative of implementing the central government's policy by local government, the consciousness of obeying the regulation by land user and the enthusiasm of participating in the land consolidation projects by market entities. How to implement the policy effectively by adjusting, coordination and integrating interest is an issue needed to further discussion.


Keyword: Construction land, Intensive use, Policy, Interest


文献标识码: A



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