
The Exploration on the Best Combination between Government & Market, Equity & Efficiency, the Features and Enlightenment of Hong Kong Planning Management

上海市规划和国土资源管理局 主任科员,硕士

摘要: 香港的历史发展决定了政府角色定位与运作模式。通过研究香港规划管理特点,可发现其优势在于重视规划策略研究,实施刚柔相济的日常管理,公众参与广泛透明;同时也存在行政决策责任分散和执行效率较低的弊端。从政府与市场、公平与效率两方面如何寻求最佳结合方面梳理和借鉴香港经验,上海规划管理可从建设社区平台、打造利益共同体入手,探讨借助社会资源,建立起“科研—管理—市场”反馈调整机制,使政府从重视程序的开发管控者转向更为重视政策引导的作用。

Abstract: Through the exchange at Hongkong Planning Department , the author indentified and concluded the characteristics of Hongkong planning management. Main merits are attaching value to strategy research, flexible daily management and wide public engagement .Troubles are disperse administerial responsibility and inefficient execution. The article puts forward the suggestions for the local context, including enhancing the public engagement and stimulating the market.


Keyword: Government and market, Equity and efficiency, HK planning management


文献标识码: A

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