
Study on Measuring Method for Spatial Compactness of New Districts Planning:A Case Study of New Districts Planning of Huangshi, Ningbo, Nanjing

浙江省城乡规划设计研究院 规划师,硕士 现挂职于金华市浦江县规划局

摘要: 相对于粗放式发展,紧凑发展是我国城市转型过程中实施新型城镇化战略的必然要求。目前相关研究中,对紧凑空间的判定主要是基于建成区而非规划空间,且仅限于空间形态上的紧凑度分析,缺乏基于规划空间布局的紧凑度综合性研究。综合相对区位、空间形态和城市功能3个因素,构建新区规划空间的紧凑测度体系,并分别以交通可达性、形态紧凑度、Moran’s I指数作为三者的量化指标。通过对3个新区规划的实证分析,探索紧凑新区目标指引下规划优化方向。

Abstract: Relative to the extensive development, compact development is the inevitable requirement of new urbanization strategy during the urban transformation process in China. Existing research on the determination of the compact space is mainly based on the built-up area instead of planning space and is limited to the analysis on spatial form, which lacked a comprehensive study based on the spatial distribution of compactness. This paper proposed to build a compact measurement system of spatial planning & distribution from three aspects of relative location, spatial form and urban function, taking transport accessibility, compactness ratio and Moran’s I index as quantitative indicators. Finally, this paper made an empirical analysis of three new districts planning, giving optimizing proposals of planning guided by the target of constructing compact new districts.


Keyword: New districts planning, Compactness, Measure


文献标识码: A

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