
Transformation Mechanisms of Industrial Development Zone Based on 'Three Forces Model': A Case Study of Longyou Industrial Park

上海复旦规划建筑设计研究院 工程师,硕士

上海同济城市规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心 副教授,硕士生导师,通讯作者

摘要: 国内一些开发区在发展初期只关注生产设施的配备,片面追求产值而忽略了生活服务配套。到一定阶段,“有产无城”发展模式的弊端显现,投资回报日趋下降,开发区被迫重新考虑产居平衡发展,产城融合便成为其转型的重要途径。许多国家级开发区从1990年代末就开始步入转型,但目前省级开发区还处于转型发展的探索阶段。通过构建“三力模型”,以浙江省省级开发区——龙游工业园区为例,对工业开发区转型的动力机制进行解释,并对其向产业新城的转型的路径进行探讨。

Abstract: Some industrial development zones strives to increase profits by investing in production facilities at the beginning of their development, ignoring the living service facilities. Therefore the mode of 'only industry without living service' has proved to bring about a few problems, which forced the balance of production and living service to be reconsidered. As a result, industrial new towns have been building and some state-level development zones have been transforming since the late 1990s. But the provincial-level ones are still exploring the transformation. By building the ‘three forces model’, this paper takes Longyou Industrial Park as a case to explain the transformation mechanisms of industrial development zones and puts forward some strategies to promote the transformation of the industrial new town.


Keyword: Industrial development zone, Transformation, Three forces model, Longyou Industrial Park


文献标识码: A



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