
Study on the Community's Spatial Basis in the Framework of 'Aging in Place': A Case Study of Shanghai

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 住房和住区是老年人日常生活的重要空间载体,其空间布局和设施配置对老年人的身心健康具有显著影响,也是落实“居家养老”战略的重要保障。基于对上海建成居住环境开展的系列调研,指出目前城市住宅区的内部居住环境、外部居住环境和养老服务设施配套等物质空间基础十分薄弱,新建居住环境亦缺少相应的适老化政策和技术引导,亟待通过完善法律法规体系、推进基础性研究与前瞻性实践来促进住区适老化水平的提高。

Abstract: Community's environment and senior service facilities play an important role in senior citizen's later years, both concerning their psychological and physiological health. It is, therefore, an substantial basis for the elderly who are 'aging in place'. Based on a series of survey current senior's living condition and related facilities in Shanghai, we found that the existing residential area’s physical space foundation is weak on the whole, as well as new development lack of appropriate policy and technical guidance on aging perspective. The paper concludes that a legislation system needs to be established urgently, and the basic research and targeted initiatives need to be implemented for meeting the rapidly growing demands of aging population in China.


Keyword: Aging population, Aging in place, Residential space, Elderly-adaptability , Senior service facilities, Legislation


文献标识码: A

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