
Data Augmented Design: Urban Planning and Design in the New Data Environment

北京市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师,博士

伦敦大学学院 博士研究生

摘要: 由大数据和开放数据构成的新数据环境,对城市的物理空间和社会空间进行了更为精细和深入的刻画。新数据环境下所开展的定量研究较多,但多为针对城市系统的现状评价和问题识别,少有面向未来的规划和设计的研究与应用。提出了数据增强设计(DAD)这一规划设计新方法论,它以定量城市分析为驱动,通过数据分析、建模、预测等手段,为规划设计的全过程提供调研、分析、方案设计、评价、追踪等支持工具,以数据实证提高设计的科学性,并激发规划设计人员的创造力。从数据增强设计的定义、理论和实践的维度、内涵、设计流程、特点与概念辨析、常用方法与工具,以及应用场景等角度,阐述了对DAD的认识;最后给出了关于DAD的研究案例和设计案例。

Abstract: The new data environment composed by big data and open data has descripted urban physical and social space in a more detailed way. Currently, numerous quantitative urban studies have been conducted under new data environment. However, most studies concentrated on status quo evaluation and problem identification of urban system, and few of them have a perspective into future-oriented urban planning and design. A new planning and design methodology termed Data Augmented Design (DAD) is presented in this paper. Empowered by quantitative urban analysis, utilizing approaches such as data analyzing, modeling and forecasting, DAD provides supporting tools covering the whole planning and design process from investigation, analysis, project design, evaluation and feedbacks. Empirical data analysis in DAD improves the scientific level of planning and design, and inspires the creativity of planners and designers. This paper illustrates our knowledge and understanding of DAD from the following aspects: its definition, theory & practice, features & conceptual distinctions, frequently used approaches & tools, as well as its expected applicable situations. Case studies of DAD both in research and design are presented in the last section of the paper.


Keyword: Computer aided planning, City planning, Urban design, Big data, Open data, Data-driven


文献标识码: A,B



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