
Information Applications and Innovations in Urban Planning and Management

中国人民大学公共管理学院 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 城市规划管理是决策者恰当运用专家知识和公众偏好,提高决策理性和公信力的过程。由于规划决策不仅涉及技术与事实问题,还与公众的价值偏好密切相关,因此必须建立起专家参与和公众参与的互动交流机制。信息技术的快速发展为组织公众参与创造了条件,但无论是数字城市建设、还是大数据开发,现有的信息技术运用均不同程度忽视了公众的价值诉求,而更多成为政府管理或数据挖掘的工具。当前智慧城市的发展方向则是以信息技术为手段,建构专家和公众共同参与的互动平台,使得专家知识和公众偏好都能在规划决策中得以识别和运用。

Abstract: Urban planning and management is a process to elevate rational decision making and credibility via using expert knowledge and public preference. Because the decision making is not only related to technological problem but also involved in public value, communication mechanism between expert and public must be set up. The rapid development of information technology provides the condition for public participation. However, both the construction of digital city and big data model have neglected public preference, and technology has become a mere tool for public administration and data mining. In order to promote the combination of professional knowledge and public preference, the future direction is to construct a platform for interaction between experts and public participation via information technological application.


Keyword: Information application, Urban planning and management, Expert knowledge, Public participation


文献标识码: A

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