
Bearing the Mission under the Rule of Law is Key to Urban Planning Reform

中国城市规划协会 副会长

摘要: 城市规划对城市的科学发展起着重要的引领作用。当前,城市规划面临的新形势,顶层设计、社会期待、市场开放度、管理机制都与以往有很大不同;通过分析城市规划存在的法规体系建设、城市发展规模、城市规划内容、规划话语权等方面的问题,提出城市规划改革势在必行,而改革的关键是要强化其依法编制、审批、修改和依法行政、实施、监管、担责的全过程使命。坚守法律赋予的地位和职责,坚持科学发展观,切实提高规划质量水平,依法在城市规划全过程担当好肩负的使命。

Abstract: Urban planning plays an important role in leading scientific development of a city. Nowadays it is totally different for urban planning to face with a series of new trends, such as top design, social expectation, market openness and management mechanism. The author thinks it necessary to have an urban planning reform after analyzing the problems such as regulation system construction, urban developing scale and contents & discourse power of urban planning. The key to the reform is to reinforce the management of the law in the process of its establishment, approval, modification, administration, implementation and supervision. We should adhere to the legal status, insist on the scientific development view, improve the quality of urban planning and bear the mission under the rule of law.


Keyword: Urban planning, Reform, Regulation system


文献标识码: B

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