多中心能够缓解城市拥挤吗?* ——关于上海人口疏解与空间结构优化的若干认识

Could Polycentrism Relieve Agglomeration Diseconomy? Population Redistribution and Spatial Structure Optimization of Shanghai

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心 城市与区域科学学院教授,博士

华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心 城市与区域科学学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 为缓解上海中心城区拥挤压力,打造以郊区新城为支撑的多中心空间结构一直都是上海城市发展建设的重要战略思路。理论上,通过空间优化来缓解集聚不仅仅是可能的,同时也是从源头本质上解决问题的重要视角。然而,由于现实的复杂性和研究的不充分性,合理可行的空间优化政策需要大量的基础性研究加以支撑,并能够得以有力地贯彻实施。就上海而言,以新城建设为主的空间结构优化政策仍然存在较大的完善空间,人口的集中和疏散是市场规律与政策共同作用的结果,未来的政策设计则应在顺应客观规律的基础上,在可行性、实施落实方面进行更为精细化的论证与设计。

Abstract: It is always of great importance to develop polycentric spatial structure in Shanghai's construction strategies, and a few new towns have been built to help relieve agglomeration diseconomy in central city. It is theoretically possible to alleviate the crowding pressure by optimizing spatial structure. However, in view of complex reality and inadequate exploration, a great many fundamental researches should be done to make reasonable and practicable policies which will be effectively implemented. Shanghai should further improve its spatial structure policies of building new towns. Considering that both market and policy have impacts on population distribution, policy needs more detailed design on its feasibility and implementation.


Keyword: Population redistribution, Polycentric, Optimization of spatial structure, Shanghai


文献标识码: A



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