
Study on the Distribution of Population and Employment in Shanghai under the Context of Rapid Urbanizatoin

上海市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师,硕士

摘要: 近10多年上海的人口高速增长离不开全国快速城镇化的背景,上海人口增长主要是外来人口,并且总体上呈现近郊地区快速增长、人口向中外环间及外环外地区蔓延的态势。同时,就业岗位在中心城的集聚特征更显突出。进一步研究发现,中心城及周边地区范围内居住和岗位的高度重合,该范围内职住相对平衡。研究认为,如果要建设更宜居的城市,减少区域交通通勤,就要在鼓励人口增长地区增加就业岗位的配置,即如果坚持中心城控制人口、郊区进一步吸纳人口的方针,就要同步考虑就业岗位的调控,鼓励岗位向郊区的集聚,尤其是鼓励办公服务等三次产业类型向郊区的集聚,才能实现城市多中心空间结构设想。

Abstract: The rapid growth of the population in Shanghai, especially the migrant population in the suburban area, has attributed to the background of China's rapid urbanization over the last decade. Meanwhile, the agglomeration trend of the jobs in the central city is more obvious than ever before. Further study has found out that job and housing can keep balance in the central city and its surrounding area. But if we want to build a more livable city and reduce the regiona cummuter, we should increase the employment opportunities in the region where we encourage the growth of the population. Namely, if we stick to the policy of controlling the populatoin in the central city and increasing the population in the surburban area, we should increase the employment opportunities of the service sector in the surburban area, so as to achieve the goal of building the multi-center spatial structure in Shanghai.


Keyword: Urbanization, Population, Employment, Distribution


文献标识码: B

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