
Taiwan’s Experience on the Development of Global Science & Technology Innovation Center

上海社科院社会学研究所研究员,社会调查中心 副主任,博士

摘要: 建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,是上海在“四个中心”之后又一个全新目标。科技是决定实体经济走势的最关键因素,并左右着未来全球竞争格局。建设国际化的科技创新中心,需要放眼全球,广泛吸取经验。对于上海来说,台湾新竹科技园是一个很好的楷模,结合上海已经具有的各种优势,并借鉴台湾的成功经验,就能够很好地解决在科创中心建设中遇到的“产学研”结合、人才引进、投资管理、科技服务等各方面的问题。

Abstract: The construction of Global Technology Innovation Center is a new goal after Shanghai completes the 'Four Centers' target of Shanghai. Science is the most critical factor that determines the trends of the real economy, meanwhile, it affects the global competition situation in future.The construction of Global Technology Innovation Center needs a global view, drawing experience from home and abroad. For Shanghai, Hsinchu Science-based Industry Park is a good example. Through taking advantage of Shanghai's merits and learning Taiwan's successful experience, we can elegantly solve the problems encountering in the construction of Global Technology Innovation Center, such as the cooperation of industry, university and research, talent introduction, investment management , science and technology service,etc.


Keyword: Global Technology Innovation Center, Taiwan, Experience and enlightenment, Shanghai


文献标识码: A

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