
Strategic Thinking for Shanghai’s Development into a Global S & T Innovation Center

华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院 院长,教授,博士生导师

摘要: 建设全球科技创新中心是一个系统工程和长期过程。上海要在全国发展大局及全球创新格局中找准自身的战略定位,明晰发展目标和发展路径,力争到2050年左右真正建设成为具有广泛影响力的全球科技创新中心。分析上海建设全球科技创新中心的战略定位与路径,以及战略重点,提出建立现代化的创新治理体系,健全多元化的创新投入体系,优化全方位的创新政策体系,构建包容性的创新环境氛围等对策建议。

Abstract: It is a systematic project to construct a global science and technology innovation center. Shanghai should meet the national strategic needs to head for the goal of global science and technology innovation center. With holistic consideration,,efficient planning and solid progress,,it strives to basically complete the construction of the global science and technology innovation center with strong competitive power,,profound radiation power and extensive influence. By 2050,Shanghai will have been a global center of innovation resource allocation,,a production source of international innovative knowledge,,a strategic high ground of the world economy and an international platform of cooperation and competition. The article analyzes the strategic positioning, path and focus of Shanghai's construction of global science and technology innovation center. It proposes that we should establish a modern innovation management system, improve the diversification of the innovative investment system, optimize the full range of innovation policy system and build inclusive innovation environment atmosphere.


Keyword: Global Technology Innovation Center, S&T innovation, City’s development strategy


文献标识码: A


上海市决策咨询重点课题“上海建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心的战略思路研究”。 2014-A-84

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