
Developing China’s Innovation Cities under the New Normal

中山大学港澳珠江三角洲研究中心 教授

广东金融学院工商管理系 讲师

摘要: “新常态”下中国经济呈现新的阶段性特征,创新型城市建设具有新的内涵和动力。在对经济新常态的基本特征深入分析的基础上,首先刻画了新常态下中国创新型城市建设的内涵,然后从科技创新、产业创新、公共管理与服务创新以及文化创新4个方面详细探讨了新常态下中国创新型城市建设的动力机制,最后提出了新常态下推动中国创新型城市建设的政策措施。

Abstract: China's economy presents new features under the 'new normal'. There are new connotations and new impetuses in the process of constructing China's innovative cities. After deeply analyzing essential features of the 'new normal' economy, this paper firstly states the connotations of constructing China's innovative cities under the 'new normal'. Then it discusses the dynamic mechanism of constructing China's innovative cities under the 'new normal' from four aspects: technology innovation, industry innovation, public management & service innovation and culture innovation. Finally this paper puts forward the policy measures for promoting the construction of China's innovative cities under the 'new normal'.


Keyword: New normal, Dynamic mechanism, Innovation city


文献标识码: A



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