
Researches on Industrial Structure and Employment Space under the Background of Transformative Development


摘要: 上海新一轮城市规划期内,新产业革命推动国内外产业发展格局深度调整,上海产业转型升级进入新的阶段,需要根据上海城市发展新的目标导向,加快形成与全球城市功能相适应的产业支撑体系,确立上海新一轮城市规划的产业发展目标导向。研究报告从国内外产业发展新趋势与上海产业发展基础条件的结合中,对上海未来产业发展环境做出分析判断;围绕上海建设全球城市的战略目标,研究提出新一轮城市规划期内,上海构建新型产业体系的功能形态特征和目标方向;正确把握产业发展新趋势的空间特征,提出上海产业空间布局新架构,以及就业分布新特征。

Abstract: With the further adjustment on industrial development at home and abroad promoted by the new industrial revolution, Shanghai has entered a new stage of industrial transformation and upgrading in the coming round of urban planning. It is of great importance for Shanghai to establish its new industrial development orientations based on Shanghai’s new urban targets and speed up the formation of industrial supporting system in consistent with its global urban functions. With the strategic goal of building Shanghai into a global city, the report analyzes the future industrial development environment of Shanghai from the aspects of new world trend of industrial development and Shanghai’s industrial conditions, and discusses the features and targets of its new industrial system to transform from a headquarter-intensive and service-intensive financial center into an integrated creative industry center. Finally, it clarifies the spatial features of new industrial trend, puts forward the new planning of spatial distribution of industrial development and defines its new features of employment distribution.


Keyword: Global city, Industrial system, Employment space


文献标识码: A



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