
The Rationality Assessment and Optimization of the Graded Traffic Restricted Zone in the Context of Refined Governance: A Case Study of Hangzhou

杭州市勘测设计研究院有限公司 城市规划师,硕士

华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

郭 亮(通信作者)
华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院 湖北省城镇化工程技术研究中心 教授,博士生导师

摘要: 合理地划定限行区域,辅之以差异化的交通需求管理政策能够有效缓解城市拥堵、精准提升城市交通治理水平。以实 时交通拥堵指数、OSM路网数据、公交线路和站点数据为研究数据,识别杭州市分级限行区内的拥堵区分布,分析拥 堵区交通供给特征,在此基础上划分拥堵区类型并提出分类管控优化策略。研究发现,杭州市限行区分级较为合理,对 浙A及区域号牌限行的拥堵区路网密度及其等级配置合理,公共交通供给略有错位与不足;对外地车辆限行的拥堵区 路网供给不足,公交供给水平相对较高,但在精细尺度上存在交通供给要素的错位与替代性公共交通不足的问题;根 据交通供给特征及限行政策将拥堵区划分为片区式、飞地式和节点式拥堵区,分别提出实施拥堵收费、优化路网结构、 提高微循环能力、增设公交线路串点成线及引导公交出行等策略,以期为大城市交通精细化治理提供借鉴。

Abstract: Rational delineation of traffic restriction zones, complemented by differentiated traffic demand management policies can alleviate urban congestion and improve urban traffic management. Using real-time traffic congestion index, OSM road network data, bus line and station data, we identify the distribution of congestion zones within the graded traffic restriction zones in Hangzhou, analyze the traffic supply characteristics of congestion zones, classify the types of congestion zones, and propose classification control optimization strategies. It is found that the traffic restriction zones in Hangzhou are reasonably divided. The road network density and its grade configuration are reasonable in the congestion zones with restricted traffic for vehicles with Zhejiang A and regional plates, but the public transportation supply in those areas is slightly misplaced and insufficient. The road network supply is insufficient in the congestion zones with restricted traffic for other provinces' vehicles, and the level of public transportation supply is relatively high. However, there are problems of misalignment of transportation supply elements and insufficient alternative public transportation at a fine scale. According to the traffic supply characteristics of the congestion zones, they are divided into area-type, enclave-type and node-type congestion zones. We propose strategies such as implementing congestion charging, optimizing road network structure, improving micro-circulation capacity, adding bus routes to string points into lines and guiding bus travel, to provide a reference for the refined traffic management of large cities.


Keyword: urban traffic; transportation demand management; transport supply characteristics; graded restriction zones; traffic congestion


文献标识码: A


国家 国家自然科学基金 52178039

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