上海市早高峰轨道交通缓挤的时空行为规划策略 研究——以轨道交通9号线为例

Study on Spatio-Temporal Behavior Planning Strategies for Alleviating Morning Peak Congestion in Shanghai's Urban Rail Transit: A Case Study of Metro Line 9

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 博士研究生

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

王 德(通信作者)
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 教授,博士生导师

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授,博士生导师

摘要: 针对上海市严峻的轨道交通高峰客流拥挤问题,在时空行为规划框架下进行缓挤策略研究。以轨道交通9号线为例,利 用智能卡数据模拟乘客出行时空轨迹,基于拥挤形成的时空过程视角识别轨道交通拥挤情况,划分拥挤类型,并追溯拥 挤客流的来源与去向。同时,深入挖掘乘客的出行目的、出行规律和出行约束等出行特征。在此基础上,针对不同出行特 征人群提出信息推荐、预约进站、调整上班时间以及转移就业岗位等时间、空间和行为策略,并定量评估策略实施的缓 挤潜力,为治理城市轨道交通拥挤问题提供可借鉴的视角、方法和策略。

Abstract: In response to the severe congestion problem during peak passenger flow in Shanghai's urban rail transit, this paper conducts a study on decongestion strategies under the framework of spatio-temporal behavior planning. Taking Metro Line 9 as an example, we use smart card data to simulate passengers' spatio-temporal travel trajectories, identify the congestion situation in urban rail transit, divide the types of congestion, and trace the sources and destinations of congested passenger flow from the perspective of the spatio-temporal process of congestion formation. At the same time, we deeply mine the travel characteristics of passengers, such as travel purposes, travel patterns, and travel constraints. On this basis, we propose temporal, spatial, and behavior strategies such as information recommendation, reservation for entry, adjustment of work time, and job relocation for different travel characteristic groups, and quantitatively evaluate the congestion mitigation potential of strategy implementation, providing perspectives, methods, and strategies for reference of managing urban rail transit congestion.


Keyword: spatio-temporal behavior planning; spatio-temporal process perspective; urban rail transit congestion; decongestion strategy; Metro Line 9


文献标识码: A


国家 国家自然科学基金课题 52378069

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