
Development of Ecological Network Toward Avian Biodiversity Conservation for Wuhan Metropolitan Area

武汉大学城市设计学院 湖北省人居环境工程技术研究中心 副研究员,博士

田 雪
武汉大学城市设计学院 硕士研究生

刘 媛
武汉市规划编审中心 规划师,硕士

武汉长江新区自然资源和规划局 国土空间规划科科长,高级工程师,硕士

贺 慧(通信作者)
华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院 城市规划系副主任,教授,博士生导师

摘要: 生态网络有助于提高区域景观连通性,增加斑块之间的物质能量和基因交流,对生物多样性保护具有重要意义。既往 研究侧重于从经验主义或基于图论等理论探索景观模型构建方法,较少针对具体物种的长时序观测数据建立“物种— 环境”相关性模型从而构建生态网络。随着《武汉都市圈发展规划》获国家发改委正式批复,武汉都市圈成为第7个 获批的国家级都市圈。以武汉都市圈为例,基于长达15年(2007—2021年)的鸟类长期观测数据和城乡环境数据,探 究城乡环境特征对鸟类多样性的影响机制,识别重要鸟类栖息地的空间分布,构建以鸟类为指征的生态源地—生态廊 道—生态网络保护体系。此外,基于城市扩张模型分析生态网络被侵占风险,对其进行重要性和敏感性分级,识别鸟类 多样性保护的难点和痛点。有望为面向鸟类多样性保护的都市圈层面生态网络建设提供实证支撑,为国土空间规划中 面向生物多样性保护的都市圈层面重要生态空间划定与生态修复提供理论参考。

Abstract: An ecological network can improve regional landscape connectivity, increase the exchange of material, energy, and genetic material between patches, and play a significant role in promoting biodiversity conservation. In previous research, empirical or graph theory approaches have been explored as approaches to landscape model construction, but little research has been conducted on constructing ecological networks built up on species-environment correlation models with long-term observation data for specific species. In this study, based on 15 years of long-term observations of birds and urban and rural environmental data (2007-2021), we investigate the influence of urban and rural environmental characteristics on bird diversity, identify the spatial distribution of important bird habitats, and establish a protection system for ecological sources, ecological corridors, and ecological networks utilizing birds as indicators. Furthermore, we analyze the risk of ecological network encroachment based on the urban expansion model, classify the importance and sensitivity, and identify the difficult and painful points of bird diversity conservation. This study is expected to provide empirical support for the development of ecological networks in the Wuhan Metropolitan Area for the conservation of avian diversity as well as theoretical references for the identification of important ecological spaces and ecological restoration in territorial spatial planning for biodiversity conservation.


Keyword: avian diversity; ecological network; citizen science; urban expansion; Wuhan Metropolitan Area


文献标识码: A


国家 国家自然科学基金青年基金 52208083

中国 第74批中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目 2023M742694

湖北省 湖北省文旅厅重点项目 HCYK2022Z08

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