
Research on Integral Renewal of Urban Fringe Atypical Traditional Villages: A Case Study of Jiangnan Area in Quanzhou

西安建筑科技大学建筑学院 硕士研究生

西安建筑科技大学建筑学院 教授,博士生导师

中国城市发展规划设计咨询有限公司 高级技术主管,硕士

摘要: 城边型非典型传统村落是一类位于城市边缘区且已被划入城镇开发边界,具有服务城乡功能、延续文化基因价值,但 尚未列入传统村落名录的村落。随着城镇开发边界的划定,尝试统筹边界内非典型传统村落保护更新与城市发展已然 是面向国土空间规划的一次必要性探索。结合城边型非典型传统村落的更新困境分析,以福建省泉州江南片区为例, 提出城边型非典型传统村落整合性方法——非典型传统村落遴选分类与价值延续、非典型传统村落与外部的整合性 保护和发展,以期为非典型传统村落和城市边缘区更新提供参考。

Abstract: The urban fringe atypical traditional village is a type of settlement located on the urban fringe and has been incorporated into the urban growth boundary. These villages embody functions that serve both urban and rural areas and continue to carry cultural genetic values, yet they have not been officially recognized in the traditional village registry. With the establishment of urban growth boundaries, the endeavor to coordinate the protection and updating of these atypical traditional villages within these boundaries, alongside urban development, is a necessary exploration in the realm of national territory spatial planning. This article analyzes the renovation dilemmas of the urban fringe atypical traditional villages, and uses the Jiangnan area of Quanzhou as a case study to propose an integrative approach—the selection, categorization, and value perpetuation of atypical traditional villages, and their comprehensive protection and development in alignment with external elements, with the aim of providing insights for the renewal of both atypical traditional villages and urban fringe areas.


Keyword: urban fringe atypical traditional village; Jiangnan area in Quanzhou; integral renewal


文献标识码: A

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