
Research on Street Interface Micro Renewal from Aesthetical Perspective

张 娴
上海闵行规划设计研究院有限公司 院长,高级工程师,硕士

上海闵行规划设计研究院有限公司 项目主管,工程师

李 信
上海闵行规划设计研究院有限公司 项目主创,工程师,硕士

摘要: 城市存量发展中,街道更新是中心城区规划建设的重要内容,包括定位、功能、业态、品质等多方面的转换升级。其中,街 道界面是城市风貌的关键展示窗口,街道美学与文化价值的提升对于增强城市品质至关重要。倡导将美学理念深度融 入街道界面的微更新过程中,从视觉感知、空间体验和情感共鸣3个维度出发,探讨立面美化、视觉焦点营造、空间优化、 在地文化融入和生活赋能等策略。探索通过一系列创新且实用的精细设计焕发街道新生,美化城市景观,赋予文化内涵 与鲜活的生命力,带来更加丰富多元的空间体验与情感连接。

Abstract: In the development of urban stock spaces, street renewal is an important part of the planning and construction of central urban areas, including the transformation and upgrading of positioning, functions, industry, quality, and other aspects. The street interface is the key display window of urban style, and street aesthetics and cultural values are crucial for enhancing urban quality. The article advocates deeply integrating aesthetic concepts into micro renewal of street interfaces, and explores strategies such as facade beautification, visual focus creation, spatial optimization, integration of local culture, and life empowerment from three dimensions of visual perception, spatial experience, and emotional resonance. The article studies a series of innovative and practical designs that revitalize streets, beautify urban landscapes, endow cultural connotations and vitality, and bring richer spatial experiences and emotional connections.


Keyword: aesthetics of streets; street interface; micro renewal; aesthetical perspective


文献标识码: A

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