
Underground Spatial Planning in the New Era: System, Contents, and Methods

赵 毅
江苏省规划设计集团江苏省城市规划设计研究院 院长,研究员级高级城市规划师,博士

东南大学建筑学院 博士研究生 江苏省规划设计集团江苏省城市规划设计研究院 副总规划师,高级城乡规划师

摘要: 新时代,科学合理地开发利用地下空间是推动城市内涵提升、践行绿色发展转型的重要路径。国土空间规划体系变革 背景下,地下空间规划应积极响应新的政策要求和实践需求,进一步厘清规划体系、完善规划内容、突破关键技术方 法。加强发展规划对空间规划的传导,构建“纵向‘1+3’、横向‘1+N’”的地下空间规划体系,并把规划研究和深化 设计作为规划体系的有益补充。各层次地下空间规划应各司其职、突出重点,以“全域(市县域)为视角、中心城区为 重点、城市重点地区为关键”,形成地下空间规划编制框架和主体内容。紧紧抓住规划前端资源评价和后端规划实施两 个关键环节,探讨地下空间资源综合评价和规划实施传导两种技术方法,科学指导地下空间资源的合理开发利用。

Abstract: In the new era, the scientific and rational development and utilization of underground space is an important path to promote the enhancement of urban connotation and practice the transformation of green development. In the context of the transformation of the national spatial planning system, underground spatial planning should actively respond to and adapt to new policy requirements and practical needs, further clarify the planning system, improve the planning content, and break through key technical methods. It should strengthen the transmission of development planning to spatial planning, build an underground spatial planning system of "vertical '1+3' and horizontal '1+N'", and use planning research and deepening design as beneficial supplements to the planning system. Each level of underground spatial planning should fulfill its responsibilities and highlight key points, forming the framework and main content of underground spatial planning from the perspective of the entire city/county region, with a focus on the central urban area and key districts. This paper will closely investigate the two key links of front-end resource evaluation and back-end planning implementation, explore two technical methods of comprehensive evaluation of underground spatial resources and planning implementation transmission, and scientifically guide the rational development and utilization of underground space resources.


Keyword: the new era; underground spatial planning; planning system; planning contents; key methods


文献标识码: A


江苏 江苏自然资源智库(国土资源研究中心)2022年度开放合作课题 ZK22012-1

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