
Study on the Spatial Development Mode and Mechanism of New Town Construction from the Perspective of Governance: A Case Study of Nanjing Hexi New Town

南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

于 涛(通信作者)
南京大学建筑与城市规划学院 城市与区域规划系主任,教授,博士生导师

摘要: 改革开放以来,我国的新城建设在增长主义导向下呈现粗放扩张的特点,伴随城市建设进入做优增量的转型期,政府亟 待厘清新城空间的发展机制,从而转变新城建设的治理方式。基于城市政体理论对城市空间发展机制的分析,选取南京 河西新城为研究对象,划分其3个建设阶段,研究各阶段的开发模式及产生的空间效应,分析各阶段的空间发展机制。指 出政府、市场和社会间的关系变化影响着新城的空间建设,应该构建“强政府+强市场+强社会”的治理结构,建设高品 质可持续发展的新城,以适应未来城市发展转型需求。

Abstract: Since the reform and opening-up, the construction of new towns in China has shown the characteristics of extensive expansion under the guidance of growthism. With the city construction entering the transformation period of optimizing and increment, it is urgent to clarify the development mechanism of new town space, so as to change the governance mode of new town construction. Based on the analysis of urban spatial development mechanism by urban regime theory, this paper chooses Nanjing Hexi New Town as the empirical object, divides it into three construction stages, studies the development mode and spatial effect of each stage, and analyzes the spatial development mechanism of each stage. It is pointed out that the change in the relationship between government, market, and society affects the spatial construction of new towns, and the governance structure of "strong government + strong market + strong society" should be constructed to build high-quality and sustainable new towns to meet the needs of future urban development transformation.


Keyword: governance; new town construction; spatial development model and mechanism; urban regime theory; Nanjing Hexi New Town


文献标识码: A


国家 国家自然科学基金项目 51878330

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