
Research on the Structural Network Pattern and Measurement of Urban Residential Space in Central Urban Area of Shanghai: Complexity Network Analysis Integrating Physical and Social Space

杨 帆
同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 副教授,博士生导师

同济大学建筑与城市规划学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 住宅区是城市建成地区的主要功能空间。选择上海市中心城为研究范围,采用复杂网络理论和分析方法,以住宅区为网 络“节点”,以空间邻近性和社会互动为网络“连边”,建构居住空间网络,分析测度居住区“度”分布,检验居住空间网 络的鲁棒性,并识别网络“社团”。发现城市居住空间网络稳定性意味着和谐、顺畅的社会交往和信息传递,其中大“度” 节点住宅区发挥着重要作用,应予以重点关注。居住空间网络“社团”识别的结果对解读城市地域认同有借鉴意义。结 论为建立“物质空间”和“社会空间”相融合的城市住宅区空间结构研究提供了新的思路和方法,同时对大都市建成 区单元规划和空间更新有借鉴意义。

Abstract: Residential areas are the main functional space of urban built-up areas. Currently, the research approaches correlating social interactions with spatial representations to explain urban residential spatial structure are not mature. We select the central urban areas of Shanghai as the research scope. Based on the complex network theory and analysis methods, with the shape center of residential quarters as the network "node", and the spatial proximity and social connotation characteristics of residents' social interaction as the network "tie", the urban residential space network (URSN) in the central area of Shanghai is constructed. Furthermore, the "degree" distribution and network robustness of URSN are examined, and the network "communities" are identified. The research points out that, the stability of the URSN implies harmonious and smooth social interactions and information transfer, in which the large degree node residential quarters play an important role and should be given priority attention in urban renewal. Meanwhile, the "communities" identification results of URSN have implications for the understanding of the territory identity in urban areas. The conclusions of the research provide new concepts and methods for the study of the URSN that integrate "physical space" and "social space", and have reference significance for unit planning and spatial renewal in metropolitan areas.


Keyword: urban residential space network (URSN); residential areas; spatial fabric (SF); complex network analysis; central urban area; Shanghai


文献标识码: A


国家 国家自然科学基金 51778436

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