
Reflection and Improvement on the Prediction of Urban Planning Population Size: Based on the Comparison Between the Seventh National Census and the Planning Population in 38 Key Cities

王 伟
中央财经大学政府管理学院 城市管理系主任,副教授,博士

北京清华同衡规划设计研究院有限公司 总体发展研究和规划分院总规划师 清华大学建筑学院 博士研究生

中央财经大学政府管理学院 硕士研究生

上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司 高级工程师,硕士

摘要: 规划人口规模预测作为城市总体规划的重要编制内容,影响着城市资源承载、土地开发、公共服务供给和基础设施配置 的可持续性。通过对38座重点城市总体规划的人口规划值与七普人口实际值差距比较分析,发现2020年规划人口和实际 人口呈现不同规模等级城市的差异化系统性偏离状况,进而对其成因展开剖析,最后面向新时期国土空间规划编制和 实施工作,提出需要正确定位规划人口预测的作用,加强从技术预测逻辑到政策调控逻辑的转变,创新人口类型认知概 念体系、多情景推演模型方法和动态精准响应机制,加强规划全生命周期弹性应对等建议,以期更好地提升国土空间治 理现代化水平。

Abstract: As an important part of urban master planning, planning population size prediction affects the sustainability of urban resource capacity, land development, public service supply and infrastructure configuration. By comparing the planning population of the urban master planning of 38 cities with the actual population of the Seventh Census, this study finds that there is a differentiated and systematic deviation between the planning population and the actual population with different scales and levels in 2020, then the deep causes of systematic deviation are analyzed. Finally, the improvement suggestions are put forward for the preparation, implementation and management of territorial spatial master planning in the new era, including correctly positioning the role of planning population prediction, transforming from the logic of technical prediction to policy regulation, innovating the conceptual system of population type cognition, the method of multi-scenario deduction model and the dynamic and accurate response mechanism, as well as strengthening the flexible response to the whole life cycle of planning.


Keyword: population size; population prediction; master planning; city


文献标识码: A


国家 国家自然科学基金 52178049

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