
Study on Informal Land Market in Urban Fringe of Large Cities

上海市规划编审中心 助理工程师, 硕士

摘要: 根据我国大城市边缘区土地开发利用多元的主要特征,针对边缘区内土地非常规整合开发的事实,梳理和总结了4种非正式土地市场模式,包括:以村集体为主体的开发出租;以土地开发公司、村集体及第三方企业为主体的联合开发;集体建设用地流转试点;征地留用地制度试点。从开发方式和开发流程、开发主体、土地类型、土地权属、管理制度、利益关系等层面,结合现有政策框架,分析各模式中相关主体的组织关系、投资收益分配和存在问题,并从土地来源、开发主体、土地获取途径、基础设施配套情况、土地开发形式、土地最终归属、空间配置效率等方面分析其差异性。

Abstract: Based on the main features of the diverse land use and the fact of irregular land development in urban fringe of the large cities in China, the paper proposes four typical patterns of informal land markets, which are rental pattern dominated by rural collectives, united development pattern by collectives-owned companies and land enterprises, transfer pattern of collective construction land and pattern of remaining land in acquisition. This paper, in the framework of current policy, analyzes the relationship of organization, the allocation of investment income and existed problem of related entities of each pattern based on development methods, development processes, developing entities, land ownership, management system and interest relations, etc. It also analyzes their differences from the aspects of land sources, developing entities, land access, infrastructure, land development mode, ultimate land ownership and space allocation efficiency.


Keyword: Urban fringe of large cities, Informal land market, Resource Allocation patterns


文献标识码: A,B

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