
Research on the Interactive Development Strategy Between Waterfront and Hinterland: A Case Study of East Bund of Huangpu River

上海市浦东新区规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

上海市浦东新区规划设计研究院 工程师,硕士

罗 翔(通信作者)
复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院 博士研究生 上海市浦东新区规划设计研究院 高级工程师

摘要: 滨水区是城市建成环境的稀缺资源,也是市民重要的公共活动空间。作为上海标志性滨水空间,黄浦江已成为上海国际 大都市核心功能的重要空间载体。以黄浦江东岸为研究对象,分析发现,东岸公共空间活力和可达性有待提升,与腹地 联系还需加强。据此,从滨水区与腹地联动发展角度提出交通联动、空间联动、功能联动和管理联动等策略,以提升滨江 的可达性,推进滨江公共空间向腹地延伸,促进休闲娱乐与文化、体育、科创等功能融合发展,实现共建共享共治。

Abstract: The waterfront is a scarce resource of the urban built environment and an important public activity space. As the landmark waterfront space of Shanghai, the Huangpu River has become an important spatial carrier of the core functions of Shanghai as an international metropolis. This paper takes the east bund of the Huangpu River as an example, and finds that the vitality and accessibility of public space still need to be improved, as well as the connection to the hinterland. From the perspective of interactive development between the waterfront and hinterland, traffic interaction, spatial interaction, function interaction, and management interaction strategies are proposed. It will improve the accessibility of waterfront, propel the waterfront public space extending to the hinterland, promote the integrated development of leisure and entertainment with the functions of culture, sports, science and innovation, and realize co-construction, sharing and co-governance.


Keyword: waterfront; hinterland; public space; interactive development; east bund of Huangpu River


文献标识码: A

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