
Exploration of People-oriented Delicacy Governance of Urban Public Space: Analysis on Guidelines of Barrier-free Environment Construction of Yangpu Riverside Public Space

张 恺
上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司 副总工程师,正高级工程师,博士

摘要: 上海市“一江一河”的建设目标是成为“世界级城市会客厅”。《杨浦滨江公共空间无障碍环境建设导则》是“一江 一河”建设迈向精细化治理的一次重要探索,导则编制和示范建设同步推进,具有较强的落地性特点。解读当前无障 碍环境建设的规范标准和国内外趋势,从平等融合的人文理念、协同推进的工作组织、因地制宜的技术创新等3个方 面,对导则的内容构架和创新特点进行阐述。为城市规划拓展学科领域、关注多元化需求、提升公共空间精细化治理水 平、践行人民城市理念进行积极尝试。

Abstract: The construction goal of "Yi Jiang Yi He" is to become a "world-class urban public living room". The Guidelines for the Construction of Barrier Free Environment in Yangpu Riverside Public Space is an important exploration of "Yi Jiang Yi He" toward delicacy governance. The preparation of the guidelines and the demonstration construction are promoted simultaneously. This paper interprets the current norms, standards, as well as domestic and foreign trends of barrier-free environment construction. It expounds the framework and innovation characteristics of the guidelines from 3 aspects,including the humanized concept of equality, the collaborative work organization, and the technological innovation adapted to local conditions. The preparation of the guidelines has actively expanded the discipline field of urban planning, paid attention to humanistic development, improved the governance level of public space, and better served the whole population.


Keyword: Yangpu riverside public space; public space; barrier-free environment; delicacy governance; all population friendly


文献标识码: A

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