
Study on the Comparison of Carbon Emission Characteristics and Exploration of Reduction Strategies in China's Five Major City Clusters

徐 素
华东理工大学艺术设计与传媒学院 讲师,博士

摘要: 城市群作为推动区域经济增长和环境可持续性发展的重点地域,在科学技术创新、产业集群形成和产业结构调整等方 面扮演了重要角色。以生产消费与空间为视角,探讨了中国五大城市群的碳排放总体特征、构成特征、空间分布、转换 特征和碳汇的结构与空间特征。通过对比五大城市群的碳排放结构关联,评估了总量与强度、碳中和特征,以及与社会 经济因素的相关性;揭示了各城市群之间及城市群内部地级市产业门类在碳排放方面的相互影响。最后,基于现行减 碳政策和机制,并参考相关国际经验,对五大城市群的减碳策略做了初步探讨。

Abstract: City clusters play a pivotal role in driving regional economic growth and environmental sustainability. They are central to scientific and technological innovation, the formation of industrial clusters, and the adjustment of industrial structures. This paper adopts a perspective centered on production, consumption, and spatial dynamics to thoroughly examine the overall characteristics, composition, spatial distribution, transformation patterns, and the structure and spatial features of carbon sinks across China's five major city clusters. By comparing the carbon emission structures of these city clusters, the study evaluates their total and intensity-based emissions, carbon neutrality features, and correlations with socio-economic factors. It reveals the interplay of carbon emissions among different industrial categories within and between city clusters. Finally, drawing on current carbon reduction policies and international experiences, the paper preliminarily explores carbon reduction strategies for these five major city clusters, suggesting pathways for future environmental and economic sustainability.


Keyword: five major city clusters; carbon emission characteristics; carbon reduction pathways


文献标识码: A


上海市 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题 2023BCK009

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