
Research on the Development and Implementation Strategy of Shanghai's Territorial Space under the Background of "Carbon Emissions Peak and Carbon Neutrality"

熊 健
上海市城市规划设计研究院 党委书记、副院长,正高级工程师

卢 柯
上海市城市规划设计研究院 发展研究中心副主任,正高级工程师

上海市城市规划设计研究院 规划师,硕士

张 翀
上海市城市规划设计研究院 规划师,硕士

上海市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师,硕士

金 昱
上海市城市规划设计研究院 交通分院总工程师,高级工程师,硕士

黄 砂
上海市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师,硕士

摘要: 《上海市城市总体规划(2017—2035年)》以建设更可持续的韧性生态之城为目标,积极探索超大城市可持续发展路径, 为推动形成绿色低碳的空间格局奠定了良好的基础。实现碳达峰、碳中和是一场广泛而深刻的经济社会系统性变革,国 土空间也面临发展新机遇和转型挑战。在此背景下,以战略规划转型为出发点,衔接温室气体清单并梳理国土空间规划 促进减碳增汇的主要影响因素,进而提出碳约束背景下上海空间战略发展响应思路,以及基于空间资源优化配置的重 点领域发展战略和实施策略,以期为上海落实“双碳”目标提供研究支撑。

Abstract: The Shanghai 2035 Master Plan aims to build a more sustainable and resilient ecological city, actively exploring sustainable development paths for megacities, and laying a solid foundation for promoting the formation of a green and low-carbon spatial pattern. Realizing carbon peak and carbon neutrality is a broad and profound systemic change in the economy and society, and the national land and space also face new opportunities for development and challenges for transformation. Starting from the transformation of strategic planning, this study connects greenhouse gas inventories and sorts out the influencing factors of promoting carbon reduction and sink enhancement through territorial spatial planning, and then proposes a response strategy for Shanghai's spatial strategy development under carbon constraints, as well as key development and implementation strategies based on optimized allocation of spatial resources, in order to provide research support for Shanghai's implementation of the "dual carbon" goals.


Keyword: carbon peak; carbon neutrality; space strategy; implementation strategy; Shanghai


文献标识码: A

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