
Discussions on Promotion of Publicity and Education Effectiveness of Planning Exhibition Center: A Case Study of the Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center

上海城市规划展示馆 总工程师,副高级工程师

摘要: 面向公众的、有效的规划宣教,需要将相关规划的理念、专业数据图表等转译成公众能感知理解的形式。围绕上海城市 规划展示馆“上海2035”展项,总结展示方法,分析20年来的公众人数情况;从公众旅游、参观、考察、学习和参与规划的 角度,分析展示效果;强调从不同的规划层次呈现规划内容,激发公众兴趣,引导思考和促进参与。从展示技术创新和应 用角度,归纳传统展示与现代技术结合,专业与艺术相融合等展示方法。通过探讨规划概念与个案的关系、规划内容与 临展的关系、科普内容与引导公众参与的关系,以及全城区展示与数字沙盘的关系,为展陈更新及其他城市的规划展示 提供有益参考。

Abstract: To promote the educational publicity of planning, planning concepts and professional data charts need to be converted to a form which the public can perceive and understand. Focusing on the "Shanghai 2035" exhibition project of the Shanghai Planning Exhibition Center, this paper summarizes the exhibition methods, analyzes the number of visitors in the past 20 years, studies the exhibition performance from the perspectives of tourism, visiting, investigation, learning and planning participation, and emphasizes the presentation of planning content from different planning levels, which will inspire the interest of the public and promote thinking and participation. From the perspective of innovation and application of display technology, this paper discusses the combination of traditional display and modern technology, and professional and artistic display methods. This paper discusses the relationship between planning concepts and individual cases, the continuous enrichment of planning content and temporary exhibitions, the popular science content and public participation, and the city- wide display and digital sand table. The "Shanghai 2035" exhibition project provides a useful reference for exhibition renewal and other urban planning displays.


Keyword: planning display; promotion of publicity and education; "Shanghai 2035"; display techniques


文献标识码: A

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