
The Nature of City and the Essence of Planning: The Meta-Thoughts of Chinese City Planning Research in New Era

江西财经大学财税与公共管理学院 副教授,博士

浙江清华长三角研究院空间规划院 执行院长,博士

摘要: 国土空间规划体系的建立对城市规划学科定位提出新的要求,故需对城市规划学科进行元思考。直观认知上,城市是人们生 产生活的场所,而其实质则是人类展开大规模社会协作网络的载体,是人们根据生存繁衍需求而生产出来的主客体统一的 “第三空间”。规划是具有高级意识活动的人类规范种群自发自组织行为来趋利避害的行为,是根据群体共预期建立起来的秩 序。规划需以法治为基础,为实现群体共预期的秩序而施行干预行为;城市规划是为了回应城市问题而从空间角度提出的解 决方案和控制机制,是建构空间秩序的理性行动。新时代中国城市规划学科研究仍应固本守元,科学理性地编制城市规划成 果,以指导、规范和调整当前的土地开发使用活动,并主动减少因未来的不确定性而可能对高质量生产生活带来的冲击。

Abstract: With the creation of territory and spatial planning system in China, the ambiguity of urban planning's role in the new planning system emerged. It is necessary to ponder the meta-thoughts of modern urban planning discipline in the new era of China. With sensitive perception, the urban is looked at as the place for production and living, but the nature of city is the infra-carrier for large-scale social cooperation networks. Urban which satisfies the need of living and survival of humankind is identified as "the third space" which is characterized as the unity of objective and subjective, and as the unity of time and space. Planning is the intended behavior. It aims to pursue safety and to avoid menace, and is engaged only by humankind. Planning can be viewed as a tool to construct the common anticipation of social groups. Formulating the plans should be based on the reasons of scientific knowledge. Implementing the plans needs the empowerment of government so as to interpose interests of subgroups, which can see the brilliant ideas of human intelligence. In the new era of social and economic development in China, the development of urban planning discipline should stick to the root of research and make plans rationally to regulate the new needs of urban constructions, which can reduce the uncertainty of development in order to achieve the goodness of urban life.


Keyword: the nature of city; the essence of planning; Chinese urban planning research; new era


文献标识码: A


江西省 江西省社会科学“十四五”(2021年)课题 21YJ21D

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