
Research on the Planning and Design Framework of Shanghai Smart Park for Scenario-oriented Construction

上海市城市规划设计研究院 高级工程师

摘要: 在我国生态文明建设和上海生态之城发展等目标导向下,基于上海市现有智慧公园实践,提出面向场景建设的规划建 设管理一体化应用框架。框架的核心是紧密围绕生态、生活、生命价值,以提升市民端的互动式使用、公园端的精准式 服务、政府端的全局式决策3方面能力为方向,结合对城市公园的核心功能、发展诉求,以及新理念、新兴信息技术方法 等的认识,融入大数据人本、物联网检测器等技术方法,进而对生态环境监测、绿色资源运管、全过程游客服务、数字科 教互动、数据多源融合等功能模块进行设计,以期提升对现有智慧公园智慧场景的规划、建设和管理一体化水平。

Abstract: Under the guidance of the development goals of the national ecological civilization and Shanghai ecological city, this study proposes an integrated application framework of planning, construction and management for scenario-oriented construction based on the existing practice of smart parks in Shanghai. The core of the framework is to focus on the value of ecology, nature life and human social life, in order to improve the interactive effect on the public side, precise services on the park side, and the overall decision-making of the government side. It is also combined with the understanding of the core functions and development demands of urban parks, as well as new concepts and emerging information technology methods, and integrates human-oriented big data, IoT detectors and other technical methods, and then designs functional modules such as ecological environment monitoring, green life management, dynamic tourist services, multi-source data analysis, and shared interactive science popularization, so as to improve the integration level of planning, construction and management of existing smart parks and smart scenes.


Keyword: smart park; functional framework; scenario-oriented construction; green assets; big data


文献标识码: A

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