基于场景理论的城市社区第三空间识别与营造 路径——以重庆市沙坪坝区中渡口社区为例

Identification and Construction Paths of Third Places in Urban Community Based on the Scene Theory: A Case Study of Zhongdukou Community in Shapingba District of Chongqing

黄 瓴
重庆大学建筑城规学院 山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室 教授,博士生导师,博士

夏 梦
重庆大学建筑城规学院 硕士研究生

摘要: 党的二十大以来,具有文化载体和文化本体二重属性的城市公共空间成为城市建设的重点。区别于工作空间、居住空 间,以休闲、娱乐等社会交往功能为主的第三空间逐渐成为培育城市文化的重要场域。随着我国城市更新行动的有序推 进,作为社会基本细胞的城市社区日渐涌现出数量繁多、自由零散的第三空间,成为孕育社区自律、轻松愉悦和个性表 达氛围的场所。如何珍视这样的城市价值?场景理论从整体意义上为社区第三空间的识别与营造提供了新视野与路径 指引。基于场景理论,探索城市社区第三空间的特征识别与转译,提出营造原则,并以重庆市沙坪坝区中渡口社区为例, 构建在地性的社区第三空间场景识别与营造路径。以期进一步丰富我国城市社区更新理论。

Abstract: Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, urban public space with the dual attributes of cultural carrier and cultural ontology has become the focus of urban construction. Different from workplaces and residences, "third places" are mainly based on social communication functions such as leisure and entertainment, which have gradually become important fields for cultivating urban culture. With the orderly advancement of China's urban renewal actions, a large number of free and scattered third places have emerged in urban communities, becoming a scene atmosphere that nurtures community self-discipline, relaxed pleasure and personality expression. How to cherish such value of the city? Scene theory provides a new perspective and path guidance for the identification and construction of third places in the overall sense. Based on the scene theory, this paper explores the feature recognition and translation of third places in urban communities, and puts forward the construction principles. Taking the Zhongdukou Community in Shapingba District of Chongqing as an example, this paper constructs a local community third place scene recognition and construction path. The research hopes to further enrich the theory of urban community renewal in China.


Keyword: third place; scene theory; urban community; scene recognition; construction path


文献标识码: A


重庆市 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目 cstc2021jcjy-msxmX1055

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